Fasofit Solutions

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+91 -91059-29000


These are high quality lubricating oils intended for general lubrication of industrial machinery. They are manufactured from selected base stocks and fortified with additives like anti-wear and antirust. They are specially developed for steel mill general purpose lubrication. They are also used to reduce the friction, heat, and wear between mechanical components that are in contact with each other


  • Lubricate each part of the bearing.
  • Reduce friction and wear
  • Carry away heat generated inside bearing due to friction and other causes.
  • Cover rolling contact surface with the proper oil film in order to prolong bearing fatigue life.
  • Prevent corrosion and contamination by dirt.


These are suitable for ‘once through’ application situation in textile mills, paper mills and machine tools. These grades are also used in steel mills.

Grades Available - 32, 46, 68, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460.